June 27, 2024


In this blog post, we explore the successful journey of Bananinhas Eldorado, one of our partner companies, and how offering CrediPay as a payment solution to their clients improved the company's financial management in a scalable and positive way. In an exclusive interview with the company's CEO, Sam Van Dam, we talk about his experience with offering CrediPay to his clients.

Sam, tell me a little more about the history of Eldorado Bananas and how you are transforming the market in Brazil.

Bananinhas Eldorado is a brand focused on exceptional quality, commitment to sustainability and dedication to the local community through the sale of banana-derived products in a sustainable way.  Bananinhas was founded in July 2022, and for a year and a half now, we've been focusing on a range of sustainable and innovative banana chips, as well as banana sweets made in the Ribeira Valley in the south of the state of São Paulo with the authentic flavour of the fruit.

What are the biggest challenges you face in the industry today?

Despite our considerable success in serving private label clients and experiencing significant growth, establishing and expanding our private label presence remains a daunting challenge. The competitive nature of the market makes it difficult to penetrate and gain traction with consumers. We're focussed on overcoming these obstacles through strategic marketing and product innovation efforts to solidify our position and achieve sustainable growth in the sector.

Before using CrediPay, how did you manage the company's purchases and payments?

Before CrediPay, I was only getting paid by my clients after 30 days, which is a long time when trying to manage the cash flow of a new, small to medium-sized business. There is a lot of demand for our product, which is a very good thing, but many times I had to say no to new customers due to the high demand for new orders and the lack of cash flow to support this.
The process of reconciling payments was also much more difficult, requiring a considerable amount of effort to manage all orders.

What motivated you to try CrediPay for your business?

I was very happy when CrediPay appeared, offering a solution for the fact that my clients only pay me after 30 days. And since the founders are Belgians from the same city as me, we immediately had a good connection. The integration process with CrediPay was very smooth and I always receive my payments on the same day, enhancing my cash flow and opening up opportunities to grow my business. Overall, CrediPay has been providing our company with an optimal experience.

Would you recommend CrediPay to other companies?

I would recommend it to other companies. I have already told my clients about CrediPay and the excellent service they offer. I hope that CrediPay can grow exponentially in the market.

Are you interested in providing Bananinha Eldorados products for your customers? Discover the products of this CrediPay partner provider.

Ready to grow you company with CrediPay?

Grow your revenue by offering your buyers payment terms with our easy and risk-free credit solution.

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